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Floating springs
Harvesting drinking water with fog nets

Each FogCollector is quick and easy to install while requiring no maintenance. The collectors are carbon-neutral as they are operated without energy. All materials are food-safe.
aqualonis FogCollectors produce high-quality drinking water (approved by WHO standards) and can provide water for agriculture and forestry.

Please note that we do not vend to private individuals. aqualonis FogCollectors are intended for the use of NGOs, public bodies and corporations.

* formerly known as the CloudFisher ®,

a registered Trademark of the WaterFoundation

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One Fog Collector consists of 3 fabrics.

total net surface: 8 x 3 = 24

Key features

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Wind resistant up to 120 kph.
Rubber expanders reduce the impact of wind forces.

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3D mesh for higher water yield.

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Robust plastic grid prevents the mesh from bulging and draining water outside the trough.

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Flexible troughs follows the movement of the net in the wind.

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UV-resistant and food-safe materials

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How fog collectors work

Wind drives the fog into the vertically suspended nets. The droplets are caught in the 3D mesh and merge into larger drops, which then fall into the collecting trough below. From there the fog water is piped into a reservoir.

The amounts yielded per fog-day differ according to region and season. In Morocco, for example, we collect an average of 22 litres per square metre on a fog day. With one FogCollector (mesh area 24 m²) this corresponds to a water volume of 528 litres per fog day.

A fog collector is also a very good rain collector. This is because wind-blown rain always falls at an angle on the nets.

 NEW  mesh 3D-2021

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Mesh research and development

The renowned scientist Mrs. Prof. Victoria Marzol from the Universidad de la Laguna Tenerife, carried out a fabric test on behalf of aqualonis in 2021. She was able to confirm that our new 15 mm thick 3D-2021 fabric always produced the highest yields in every month and at different wind speeds.

Link to Victoria

Marzol's biography


How to start your project

Environmental and topographical conditions

Each project begins with a study to determine whether conditions on site are suitable for fog harvesting. Discussions with the local population about fog frequency are the basis for our analysis. When a foggy area is found, one begins with the collection of meteorological data on wind speeds and directions, relative humidity and temperature, precipitation and amounts of accumulated water. These findings are used to decide whether the location is appropriate for a large fog water production system.

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Find the right position

First you have to do an evaluation with several small fog collectors (net surface: 1m²) to see how much water is available and in which season. The yield quantities can be measured with meteorological instruments or an empirical measurement, such as a water canister and a measuring rod. If the yield is an average of 6 litres or more, expansion to a large plant is worthwhile.

Optimal orientation to the wind

graphic of a CloudFisher test collector with a person in front of.
graphic of 3 CloudFisher fog collector with different orientation to the wind.

A deviant orientation only of 30° degrees means less water yield.

How to stat your projct


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Geographical factors

Hills must have an altitude at which clouds can be intercepted. Priority should be given to windward sites. Distance from sources of humidity such as the ocean is important. The shorter the distance, the less chance of dissipation or evaporation.


Persistent winds such as trade winds from one direction are ideal for fog collection. Conditions are suitable if they move clouds from the ocean to the continent.
It is important that there are no major obstacles to the wind within a few kilometres upwind of the site. Ideal wind speed for fog harvesting is 4 to 10 m/s.

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Explored regions for water extraction from fog


Fog is simply a cloud that touches the ground. It is formed when warm, damp air cools. When this happens, millions of tiny water droplets from 1 to 40 micrometres (μm) in diameter are formed.

This is called condensation.

Fog is very common both in coastal regions and mountainous areas. There are many high-elevation continental locations with frequent fog cover resulting from either the transport of upwind clouds or the formation of orographic clouds (i.e. clouds that develop in response to the forced lifting of air by the earth's topography). In such cases the distance to the coastline is irrelevant. However, areas of higher elevation near the coastline are generally preferred sites for fog harvesting.

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